Okay guys, so I know I haven't posted since basically d beginning of de year but here I am! lol alive and well. So to just give you an update of whats happening at d moment: I recently signed a lease to an apartment that i'll be moving into in a couple days with my childhood best friend so that's exciting! I have to go shopping at Ikea for some beautiful furniture! I always looked forward to interior designing since i was a kid! I recently accepted an offer from a college close by for 'commercial bakeries' so I can't wait fo that!! ^.^ And once I get settled into the apartment I want to get a new job at some bakery downtown that I'll love because right now my current job is too routine and I've been there for about almost 2 years, once September rolls around, so I need a new job asap! That will help me with my future career in d future. So busy, BUsy, BUSY right now, which equals very stressful. I just finished a program at a college for 'baking arts' which I've gain some very good experience from. It was fun though I must admit that I missed a couple of classes because I wasn't very 'compatible' with my partner that I was assigned to so I decided not to go to anymore with her by not showing up, which I know seems child-ish b/c I did pay a fee of 600$ fo to take but I really couldn't work with her because it felt like I was just a bystander; I didn't really get to bake AT ALL, so I really wasn't feeling it anymore: got to admit I'm glad I'm done with it. I'll update soon guys, probably when i move into my new unit.
Cheers ^.^